Under the Hood of this dark storm cloud of a 1970 Ford Thunderbird

Dark, sleek, and almost subtle, this 1970 Thunderbird is turning heads and grabbing attention everywhere it goes.

The product of four generations of ownership in one family, and recently redone to drive into its next era, this car has seen the years treat it kindly.

Wade Pridmore is the proud owner of his grandfather's Thunderbird. He has been driving it since he was in high school, and is now preparing to make sure his children get their chance to own this heirloom on wheels.

"We had an Explorer that colour and we really liked it."

So dark that it's almost black until the sun sets it to shimmering like a deep emerald, this paint has taken what many consider to be a car lacking in looks to one of the boldest, baddest rides around.

The interior has also received no shortage of love. The interior has been redone, keeping its era-appropriate feeling intact, and coloured to match the fresh-looking exterior.

"The mice had eaten out the interior on it, so had the interior redone," noted Pridmore. "It turned out pretty good."

The reason mice had had their chance to nest was that the car had spent years in the garage. After the first three generations had their chance to daily drive it and grow tired of the 'old man car', it was Pridmore's oldest son who dragged the Thunderbird back out to be driven again.

"He went over it and cleaned it up and got it tuned up and running again. He drove it until the heater core gave out and had to park it."

From there, the rebirth of this car began.

For Pridmore, the fact his children have taken an interest in the family car is a great thing. Four generations have driven it to the point of breaking, and now generations three and four have come together to make it better than ever before.

But it's still not entirely given up its life as the family car. Pridmore and his wife, Susan Pridmore, enjoy taking the car out on date nights, cruising it across 20 kilometres of gravel before it even sees the pavement from their family farm. Given that they are from the Consul area, any trips they make in the car see it putting on mileage.

Not that the Pridmores mind having a chance to cruise the night away in their Thunderbird.

"We said that's what we built it for," said Pridmore.

For now, the car remains in his possession. However, that fourth generation is showing plenty of interest, as all three of Pridmore's sons have an interest in the automotive. For the time being, the plan is to keep the car going and enjoy all the people stopping and staring as they drive on by.